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January 13, 2014

Ohhhhhh Herrrrroooooooooooo Out There!!!

I know, I know, it's been forEVER since I wrote a post, and there's really no justifying it.  We'll just chalk it up to pure laziness and lack of motivation.  I know, shocking news, right???

My life has changed a lot since my last post though, in the form of a new addition to the family.  I'm proud to introduce to y'all....

Leo Alexander.
My very first grandchild and a New Years baby.  After 29 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing they decided to stop torturing my daughter and bring this gorgeous little boy into the world, via c-section.  Look.At.That.Face.  Almost two weeks old and already smiles when you talk to him and reacts soo sweetly when you talk to him.  I might just be in absolute love right now.

My youngest daughter is back at home, brought her boyfriend with her.  The Dude hates it.  Loves having the kid here, not fond of the other kid coming with her, but we're adjusting.  My outlook on the situation is, I have the ability to help mold the probably future dude-in-law into someone that I want my daughter shacked up with.  He just sees it as, a boy in his daughters room.  I get it, I really do, and I don't like it either, but when they move out this time, I want it to be 'for real' and hopefully permanent this time.  And if it takes a little more time in the nest, well be it.

As for me, I've been keeping busy with my cakes, photography and miscellaneous other craft projects.  My newest projects are making signs, wine glass/glass block lights and jewelled wine glasses.

Here's a few shots of the amazing sunrises we've had lately.  Can't even describe how breathtaking they've been.  Pictures don't even do them justice.

Mt. Rainier in all it's glory.

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Almost a little Kinkaidish here.

Well, it's sounds to me like the animals are getting restless and wanting to be fed, so off I go.

See ya soon.

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