I also love my Friday Confessionals, hosted by the always sweet, talented and fun, Mamarazzi. Go link up and meet some awesome new people. I love my new people.
Okay. Here goes.
I confess...that my younger's birth certificate says she's a boy, so were going today to finally have it changed. I know I know, I should have done it like, 17 years ago. Have I ever mentioned my procrastination issues? No? Well, I'll tell you them later.
I confess...after writing a post yesterday about, kid-free places, I took said 17 year old to....a bar. A couple dear friends from high school, have been in a band since high school, and last night they played an all ages show, in a bar, where kids could stay until 11pm. She had a blast, she hasn't got to see them play as a whole band since she was eight. Maybe next week I can convince her to sing with them.
I confess...I'm dragging a bit of ass today. That's okay though, there's plenty to leave behind.
I confess...that were making our third Hawaiian themed birthday cake in a row this weekend. This one is extra special, because it's for my Grams to take with her when she goes to meet up with her siblings to celebrate birthdays. They are all separated by a lot of miles and don't get to see each other nearly as often as they'd like, and I want it to be super memorable for them.
I confess...I can't wait to bring home the organ that Grams is giving me. My whole childhood has 1 material thing in common. An organ. My Great Gramma Jane had one when I was just a weeee little one. As a teenager my Grams and Gramps acquired one, and I would just have to sit and play it every time I went over to their house, wait, I still do that. So she decided that since she doesn't really play it anymore, it's mine. I can't wait to drive The Mister over-the-edge insane with my awesome Chopsticks playing skills. I need to find me a stuffed Chester the Cheetos Cheetah to sit next to me.
I confess...that I'm looking for a job. The Mister is probably going to be laid off come Tuesday or Wednesday, and it could be for, as little as a week or as much as 3 months. Ugh! I'm not sure which will kill us faster, the drop in income or the 15 hours a day of XBox. I'm betting on the Xbox.
OH EM GEE I can fight back with my new musical instrument. When he plays the game, I'll play the organ.
Wait...something about that doesn't sound right.
I confess...this is today's last confession. Must job hunt.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Good luck with the job hunt for both you and the Mister!
ReplyDeleteGood luck finding a job! I hate the hunt, bleah! I hope it all works out =)
ReplyDeleteAww bummer about the job and good luck to you. I love your strategy. Play away girl!
ReplyDeleteThats sort of crazy about the birth certificate. How did that even happen?!
@Date Girl
ReplyDeleteSomeone at the records office didn't hit the right button or something. All her hospital papers, show she's a girl, but not the state certified one.