On a side note. I babysit a little boy, he's almost four and he's adorable. But, lately, I have been feeling off about it. I started watching him about two years ago, when my girlfriend unexpectedly found herself without a sitter and since, at the time, I was only working one day a week, I gladly took on the job until she could find another place.........................
Did I mention, that I started watching him two years ago?
Which is why, I have decided to give my two month notice to my wonderful friend, that I can no longer babysit after the first of the year. I don't know if this is a "bitch" move on my part, but in all fairness, I did let her know from the beginning that I didn't want to be his babysitter forever. And, it's not at all about either one of them, it's about me and my family. The Mister has apparently been holding his tongue for the last year about his feelings, that taking care of the darling little one, is in fact taking away from my duties as the Domestic Goddess, that I tell myself I am. Besides, a four year old, needs to be around other four year old kids, and I just don't have the time or desire to schedule playdates. Especially with the younger doing school at home this year, we need a time of pure concentration and anyone with a four year old boy, knows that's not happening. So, it's with a heavy heart, that I will have to inform one of my closest friends, that I can't watch her boy anymore.
But this will make way for my passion, my handmade goodies. Not only will I devote some of my precious time to my younger and her school, I will be able to have a place for all of my soap-making, a place for all my oils, thermometers, measuring cups and soap to cure. No longer will I have to subject The mister to grabbing a handful of grated orange soap thinking it's cheese or the chocolate espresso scented brown soap, sitting on a counter with a small bite mark out of it , while The Mister is sporting a soured look on his face. Oops, I guess I should have marked those better. No more will there be 20 different colors of yarn strewn about the living room or canvases of half painted pictures that I've put aside, due to lack of vision or the phone rings, or let's face it, something shiny. I'm very easily distracted. Which is why this little blog of mine will sometimes drop for a day, or ten, but one of the reasons I'm doing this blog is to try and keep focused on something. So, if anyone even reads this, please bear with me, it will get better, I swear. More tips to come, some soap recipes, funny stories, well at least funny to me and just general and complete randomality.
And, oh yeah, I make up a lot of my own words.
Until next times kiddies. Do something that makes you smile. : )
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